digital portraits

What does "authenticity" mean to you? I think that word has lost some meaning over the years and because of #authenticlife and Instagram. But, if you were to look at what it means to *you*, you would say you want to look at the image of yourself and say, yes, that looks like the *me* that I think of when I think of my "authentic self". It's a high bar to meet and that's what I'm here to your exceed that bar!
Most of the time photographers spend a lot of their energy and effort helping their subject *look* good, rarely do they focus on helping their clients *feel* good and I see that as a failing. How are you ever going to look like YOU, if you're not feeling yourself!
I spend my time during your portrait session working with you to get in that kind of mental framework where you are free to be you...whatever that looks like AND feels like...
If *authenticity* is so difficult to achieve, then how do I achieve it so consistently in my work? Great question! I have a process that I use with people as we create your portrait together. Because, you see, one of the keys to this, is that you are a co-collaborator in this artistic endeavor! We get to work together to establish trust and a working relationship. From there I walk you through a few breath patterns and we focus on different areas of awareness. This combination of building trust and following the process allows for authenticity to naturally occur.
This is the method or process I have found works for me. I would love to share more about it with you. Text or call and we can chat about it, if you like!