mindful wedding photography

A wedding is a celebration of love, yes. I believe a wedding is also about finding yourself and what matters to you. This is a time to pause and reflect on your life, your priorities and what calls you to do the things you do. Take time to honor this big event in your life in a way that authentically reflects you.
Your wedding and this time in your life is what you make of it. It can be a great time for everyone involved. I encourage you to really be intentional about your time as you begin to plan your wedding event.
For me, it is an honor to witness and document such a sacred event in your life. It is always my goal to bring you back to what matters most to you and maybe to help you clarify what that is in the process. Text or give me a call and let's begin to talk about what this looks like for you <3
Photography has little to do with seeing these days for me..yes, I still visualize an image, but on a wedding day and in real life, the best moments are rarely staged and can only be captured by tuning in.
I have refined this practice of tuning in to the moment more and more over the years which has helped me craft a more complete sense of the moment. Literally, by employing ALL of my senses, I arrive at the moment more fully--ready and open to be inspired by the energy around me. This is where the good stuff is found.
To me, it is my gift to you to witness your day from that grounded place. I do not take this role lightly. I put my best self forward working with each of my clients and that requires more than showing up on time with a camera and some batteries and memory cards to shoot on. I would love to share more of how I work with you in a Discovery Call. Feel free to text now to get the ball rolling <3